The Radish

Brand Identity Development

The Radish (Speculative Brand)

The Radish is a fictitious entity. This project demonstrates a comprehensive brand identity. It was a collaboration with a graphic designer. We started with a simple concept for a restaurant—a high-end farm-to-table venue—and developed its identity and grand opening advertising. In collaboration with Aline Monjardim, graphic designer.

Brand Identity Guidelines

The first step of this project was creating brand identity guidelines. This provides a structure for creative to follow.

The comprehensive brand guide directs the copy and design of every piece. It includes the tone guide as well as the restaurant’s story, mission, and values.

Landing Page

The restaurant needed a website to advertise the grand opening. The landing page also provides details about the story and mission of the new venue.

The website copy outlines the restaurant’s mission and the benefit this offers to the customer. It also explains what practices and policies accomplish that mission. Credibility is established by providing outside references. The next steps for the client are clear and shown in various locations on the page.

Magazine Insert

Advertising for the restaurant's grand opening. A local magazine would include a printed card insert that spreads awareness of the new restaurant. It would also highlight the restaurant’s values and mission.

Advertising copy for the insert appeals to the target market’s desire to eat sustainably as well as their lifestyle.


Every restaurant needs a menu. The sample menu needed to follow the restaurant’s mission of locally sourced ingredients.

Dish names say the source of ingredients or a feature of the dish while using the brand voice. Extra menu copy references the mission and uses sophisticated, passionate brand voice.

Menu Insert

A menu insert further supports the restaurant’s mission of in-season and locally sourced ingredients.

This piece supports the brand identity by using the knowledgable brand voice. It highlights the mission of sustainable and local ingredient sourcing.

Brand Tagline

To meet the need for a tagline to display with the logo. The business card sample shows a single line of copy that explains the restaurant’s mission.

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